Галерея Ильи Глазунова - Ilia Glazunova Gallery - Moscow, Russia
This is an art gallery in Moscow. I just LOVE the color of the building!
It took me quite a few attempts to photograph this without losing the color.
There are many colorful buildings throught Europe,
but this is the only one I've seen painted in such a bright shade of blue!
This is an art gallery in Moscow. I just LOVE the color of the building!
It took me quite a few attempts to photograph this without losing the color.
There are many colorful buildings throught Europe,
but this is the only one I've seen painted in such a bright shade of blue!
После вселенской катастрофы Америка превратилась в мертвую пустыню. По бескрайним дорогам, кишащим бандами, ведущеми воины за воду и еду, путешествует безстрашный Илай. Однажды он попадает в мрачные края, где когда-то была цветущая Калифорния, а теперь это сущий ад, где бесчинствует тиран Карнеги.
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